About ChiroWorx Family Chiropractic
Dedicated to Your Spinal Health
Spinal X-Rays for Precise Diagnosis
A Clear Picture of Your Spinal Health

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- Are or might be pregnant. The risk of radiation exposure to your unborn baby (fetus) must be considered.
- Have had an X-ray test using barium contrast material (such as a barium enema) in the past 4 days. Barium shows up on X-ray films and makes it hard to get a clear picture of the lower back (lumbar spine).
The spine is divided into four parts … So there are four common types of spinal X-rays:
1. Cervical spine X-ray – This X-ray test takes pictures of the 7 neck (cervical) bones.
2. Thoracic spine X-ray – This X-ray test takes pictures of the 12 chest (thoracic) bones.
3. Lumbosacral spine X-ray – This X-ray test takes pictures of the 5 bones of the lower back (lumbar vertebrae) and a view of the 5 fused bones at the bottom of the spine (sacrum).
4. Sacrum/coccyx X-ray – This X-ray test takes a detailed view of the 5 fused bones at the bottom of the spine (sacrum) and the 4 small bones of the tailbone (coccyx).
The most common spinal X-rays are of the cervical vertebrae (C-spine films) and lumbosacral vertebrae (LS-spine films).
A spinal X-ray is done to:
- Find the cause of ongoing pain, numbness, or weakness.
- Check for arthritis of the joints between the vertebrae and the breakdown (degeneration) of the discs between the spinal bones.
- Check injuries to the spine, such as fractures or dislocations.
- Check the spine for effects from other problems, such as infections, tumors, or bone spurs.
- Check for abnormal curves of the spine, such as scoliosis, in children or young adults.
- Check the spine for problems present at birth (congenital conditions), such as spina bifida, in infants, children, or young adults.
- Check changes in the spine after spinal surgery.